Prayer warrior

While others shy from battle
The prayer warrior loves to pray
Some prayers are answered instantly
Some with battle and delay

In awe our Father cares so much
And listens to our cries
You stand before him perfect clean
You are loved and not despised

Your prayers don’t fall on death ears
Find strength in his embrace
Keep a tight grip on hope
And faith to win the race

Convinced the Father’s for you
You come to the throne of grace
Boldly, knowing you belong
You go to seek his face

The promises within his word
Are stored up night by night
The word upon your heart and lips
Are the weapons for your fight

You pray a prayer for those you love,
You pray for those now lost
But prayer can make a difference
And the power ‘s in the cross

And, without doubt, our lives are short
And time here has its limit
Our prayers  outlive our lives on Earth
To protect those that stay in it


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