You Keep Us

You are the God who's present
You are the God who came
We falter and we waiver
But you always stay the same

Your word says that you love me
Your blood says that you care
Even through the hard times
I know that you are there

Why do our loved ones suffer?
Why does death feel like defeat?
Have they found their sweet release
At your presence, at your feet?

Keep us as your precious jewels
Those asleep and those awake.
Grant us the ability 
To always walk by faith.

It is only by your grace and strength
That we can change our story.
To live of life of no regret
A life lived for your glory.

The sun could dim
The moon could fall
We don’t keep this thing together.
But you’ve  been faithful
All my life
In your hands are my forever.

We don’t keep ourselves alive
You’re the one that gives us breath.
Your faithfulness remains
In our lives and in our death.


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