Hidden Heroes

 I have been thinking about what it means to live a life of faithfulness. There are so many unsung heroes living in our midst. Doing difficult work for very little praise. 

I think of a friend of the family I knew growing up. He was one of several children but he was the only one who lived at home with him mother and grandmother. His grandmother was over 100 and his mother was in her 80s. He was in his late 50s. 

He faithfully loaded up him mother and grandmother into his van every Sunday to take them to church and every time that they had an appointment with their doctor. One day, watching him, the beauty of his sacrificial life hit me. He was such a blessing to those women. And what he did on a daily basis was far from glorious but it was important work. God's work.

I thank God for all the hidden heroes out there who are faithfully caring and loving others. Selflessly putting the needs of others before their own. Likely, you are one of those heroes to someone. Know that you are so under appreciated by people but God sees you and appreciates you.

 Lord, help us to have your eyes to see who needs love and help. To see the opportunities to be your hands and feet and the heart to take it as the opportunity that it is. Thank you for the love and care you have over us all. In the name of Jesus, Amen. 


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