Addicted to Negativity

 Do you remember the movie My Girl? In the movie the little girl name Vada seems to be a hypochondriac. She spends a lot of time going to the doctor because she is convinced something is wrong with her and that she is dying. She is SURE something is wrong. Even though it is apparent nothing is.

I feel this kind of mentality has become pervasive. We can become addicted to thinking negatively. We focus on all the negative "symptoms" in the news. All of them pointing to larger and more sinister diseases and problems. 

I think the Thanksgiving season is a good time to snap out of it. Can we just open our eyes and see that God is good? Can we just see that we are blessed? Prayer is good. But let's lose the fear of impending doom. In this world we will have tribulation but be of good cheer. God has overcome the world (John 16:33). One day there will be no more death, sorrow, crying (Revelations 21:4) but let's not wait until then to praise him, trust him, find peace in him. 


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