Prayer: Trusting God with My Time

 Heavenly Father,

You know me and you know the demands on me. None of my goals and ambitions are a surprise to you. None of my physical demands and needs to eat well and do exercise - and the time these things demand are a surprise for you. You are the one who designed my body. But Lord, I pray that my goals would not get in the way of your plans for my life. I pray that your ways would not be an after thought to my ways. But at the same time - I know that you want and desire what is best for me. You know and are aware of all the pits and snares that are waiting for me to fall. Yet, you are the one that keeps my foot from falling. 

You are the one that keeps me from succumbing to the trials and temptations of this world. Any righteousness on my part is just due to the mercy on your part. I pray that I would not be haughty but grow all the more humble enveloped in the hands that keep me. 

Lord, I ask again, as I have asked many times before: direct my steps. I trust in you. I know that you know best. Plan and direct my days and my time. I trust you. In the name of Jesus. Amen.


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