Are we for sale?

I have been thinking a lot about my time and how I spend it. I came across a recommendation for a book called Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport. I know that social media and other internet sites can be very addictive but I hadn’t realized the extent and the purposes for which it was designed to be that way.

If you think about it- you don’t get something for nothing. Why do you think platforms like Facebook are free? Why don’t they sell it to us? Why don’t we pay for these “services.” Because Facebook is not the product. We are the product. Our time, attention, opinions for sale to whoever is willing to or had the opportunity to take it. They are able to manipulate our attention and opinions. I guess I already knew this. But lately while thinking about it I feel offended by it because I am not for sale. My time belongs to the Lord not Facebook or whoever they deem worthy for whatever reason. Yet, I know it can be a tool to spread information or find like-minded people. Still, I fear that most, rather than using it, are being used by it. As for me, I am going to take a break and with Gods help spend more time in prayer.


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