Billy Goats Gruff: A poem I wrote for my Greggy

This is the story of billy goats 3
They were all brothers who ate grass by the trees
The grass had diminished
But they all still hungered
Where will we get more grass
The three billy goats wondered
They spotted a meadow
Filled with green lusheous grass
Out towards the horizon
And over the pass
It seemed these goats had
No more food in their fridges
Which gave them courage
To cross ominous bridges
After some deliberating
The smallest was sent
He was really brave
So trip trapping he went
Trip trap, trip trap, to the bridge
From the path
And out in front jumped a
troll in his wrath
What are you doing
With all this trip trapping?
I am going to eat you
The troll declared laughing
The small goat was frightened
But wasn't deterred
Mr. Troll you can eat me
But I think you'd prefer
To wait a bit longer
Soon comes another
Goat that is larger
He’s my much bigger brother
Larger goat means more food
The troll did the math
So he said to the small goat
Very well, you may pass
Sure enough, soon came
This much bigger brother
Trip trapping he came
From the path like the other
As he stepped on the bridge
The troll jumped out with zeal
What’s with all this trip trapping?
But you will make a fine meal.
This goat was annoyed
Not scared like the other
Are you sure you want me?
Don’t you want my brother?
The troll said your brother
Was light as a feather
You are much bigger
And bigger is better
The goat said I believe
It was small goat you met
But still coming is
The biggest goat yet
The troll mulled it over
The decision was tough
Should he wait and be patient
For the biggest goat gruff?
I will though I’m hungry
Said the troll then at last
I’ll wait for his brother
And will let this goat pass
As the troll sat and waited
His tummy started to grumble
But soon a trip trapping goat
Came and made his bridge rumble
The troll told the biggest goat
I’ve been waiting for you
I have plans now for cooking
A nice billy goat stew
The biggest goat heard him
But didn’t give it much care
He just looked at that troll
And kicked him high in the air
The troll went flying
So high in the sky
It would be hard to find him
Even if you did try.


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