Quantity vs Quality

More and more in my life I have come to appreciate the value of quantity and consistency over quality.  The habit of doing things over and over and consistently. Even if it is not done completely.

Flylady's principles have been really helpful for keeping a decently clean house even though we have 8 people living in the house. Every day when school work is done we set a timer for 15 minutes and clean up as much as we can. The obvious things are first: toys on the floor, books that are out, jackets and sweaters that are no longer being used. Then everyone has a room that they are responsible for that gets vacuumed or swept.

When the 15 minute timer goes off, we are done. There is always something more to do - but there is ALWAYS something more to do. And I don't want my kids to come to hate cleaning. This way it is something done regularly but it is not something exhausting and the bulk and most noticeable amount of the work really does get accomplished in just 15 minutes.

More than a clean house, I am trying to accomplish good habits. Habits of consistency.

I think our perfectionist tendencies can really get in the way so that we do not do the things we know we ought to do because we think we have to clear out the whole day for it. Fifteen minutes a day of exercise is better than an hour every few weeks when we muster up the willpower.

I have been thinking about what other ways this principle can be applied into our lives. What about relationships? Visiting loved ones more often even if at times it is just for a small while. Or, making phone calls regularly. Remembering birthdays year after year. Maybe those are the types of things that can add up and become habits as well. And would add so much richness into our lives and into the lives of those we love.


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