Keeping Little Ones Busy During School

I have read and searched for compilations like this before. So, I thought I would make my own list of “non-electronic” activities for preschoolers during the school day. I think it is important, whatever the activity is, to not have it out all the time, only use it during the school day or part of the school day, so it doesn’t lose its novelty. So, in no particular order, here is a list.

Indoor activities
1. Playing with age appropriate blocks or legos. This is one where I immediately break the rules because I don’t keep these away when we are not in school.
But, they seem to be an activity that doesn’t lose its novelty.

2. Pipe cleaners and chunky beads. They can practice their fine motor skills threading the pipe cleaners through the beads and also shape the pipe cleaners into interesting shapes. No rules but surprisingly entertaining and cheap.

3. Sorting beans or colored noodles. I have used an old egg carton and a variety of different beans for a sorting activity. You can do the same with buttons. Of course, they have to be past the stage where this activity is a choking hazard. To make things more educational, you can number the inside of the egg carton and have them put one bean or button on number one, two on number two, three on number three, etc.

4. Magnets can be lots of fun for some kids. Again, they should not be used unattended with small kids because it is a potential choking hazard. We have had alphabet magnets, number magnets, shapes, there are a lot of different ones available. We have a magnetic board but we have also used the refrigerator and some cookie sheets have worked.

5. Drawing and coloring are a classic kid activity but some need more supervision than others.

6. Pattern blocks. These are the ones we use. You can also get design cards to go along with them or just print some out online.

Outdoor Activities
Sometimes the weather is nice enough that it is worth the trouble hauling all the books and supplies outside. I don’t think they necessarily need an activity in that case because kids find a way to keep busy outside with rocks and sticks and dirt. But if they need something to play with you could use:

1. Chalk
2. Bubbles
3. Sandbox
4. A shovel
5. A magnifying glass
6. Have them paint: finger paint, a paintbrush with water, regular paint
7. Play dough (this is an outside activity for us)

Activities they may need help with (maybe an older sibling)
1. read a book
2. do a puzzle
3. board game

These are some ideas I have come up with. Please let me know if you have some screen free activities your preschooler has enjoyed.


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