Drink Water

In the army, it was a sort of joke that drinking water would cure everything. Headache? Drink water. Cramps? Drink water. Tired? Drink water. Sprained ankle? Drink water!

No, it wouldn’t cure everything but I’ve found it surprising how many things drinking water does cure. I find myself giving similar advice to my family. Maybe not for the sprain.

Drinking water for me is one of those foundational habits that keeps you healthier but is so simple that it is often overlooked. A long time ago, I challenged myself to start drinking one gallon of water a day. It sounds like a lot of water but it is really doable. But, of course, smaller people may need to drink less and larger and more active people need to drink more.

Personally, I have found that drinking plenty of water helps me keep my weight down because I rarely drink calories - no juices, or sodas, or even coffee. Not that it is wrong to drink those things and I know there are zero calorie versions of many drinks but, other than black coffee, I don’t trust them and don’t crave or need them. I am satisfied by water.

I have also found that many sugar cravings are just dehydration in disguise. I can’t think of the last time I had a headache but when I do have one water is my go to.

So how do you calculate how much water you should be drinking? A simple baseline can be found by multiplying your weight by 2/3. If you weigh 170 pounds : 170 x 2/3 = about 113 ounces a day.

I also highly recommend pouring out the water you are going to drink for the day, the day before so you can see what you have left to drink as you go along your day and you don’t lose count. I use a half gallon mason jar and two quart sized mason jars because I like drinking from glass. I use mason jar lids when I’m on the go. But use whatever is best for you.


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