Don't Let Yourself Talk Yourself Out of Your Goals

I have been working on a couple goals lately. One goal I have is to quit snacking. While working on this goal, I have been keenly aware of this little voice that tries to talk me out of doing what I want to do and accomplish. 
I think "Who cares if I have a small snack?" 
"I have been doing so good."
"It's really not going to make much of a difference anyways."
It is easy to just throw your hands up and cheat here and there. And you can still get wonderful results cheating if it is just here and there. The problem that I have with it is that all these little cheats: a little snack here, something off of my diet plan there. They start making holes in my resolve. 
Slowly these hole become bigger and bigger and I get further and further from my goals and desired results.
I think it would be better to plan "cheat" meals and have it be something I am okay with then to listen to these urges and allow them to veer me off. What's the difference? Isn't cheating all the same?
I don't think it is. I think it is different to plan to loosen the reigns for a day versus having a spontaneous cheat. 
You may know you will be at a party on a certain day and you want to indulge in some of the food at the party. It may be something that is done rarely and it would not be a big deal. You are not going to get fat off of one meal and if it is planned you can feel guilt-free and indulge.
The problem is when you allow your choices to be led by the impulsive side of you. When you allow an impromptu cheat here and an impromptu cheat there. You are allowing your impulses to get a vote. The more you listen to the impulses the more you give them strength and a decision in the matter. They should not have a vote. You have a brain and are more than impulses with a body. If your impulses don't align with your goals you should not listen to them. Period.


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