Do What You Know You Should Do

A lot of people pride themselves in how much they know.  The number of facts they can retain. The degrees they have. The skills and abilities they have attained. But it seems to me that a lot of the goals people have, the things people struggle to accomplish, doesn't take a particularly high IQ or skillset. It is just about being the type of person that does what they know they should do.

If you want a certain job or career, you probably know what you need to do to get there. Get the degree. Start the business. Put in the work. Don't expect someone else to do it for you. The ability is within you.

Do you need to lose weight? Diet and exercise work. It's not much of a secret. You can spend years researching the different types of exercises and diets, there are whole career fields on it, but you can keep it really simple as well. If you have shoes and are able to walk - go do it. Eat more veggies, eat less junk. I know this is news to pretty much no one.

Are you struggling with your finances? Try not to spend more than you take in. Everyone needs to eat but try to see where you can cut costs - see it as a game. How can you strategize and save money. If you are in debt try to get out of it as soon as you can. Simple stuff. But it is just about doing it.

Not enough time to accomplish all the things you want to? Maybe you need to do some time budgeting? Where are your time sinkholes? Is it Netflix or Facebook or Pinterest? Are you overcommitted with too many activities? Do your priorities align with what you are spending your time on? If you are already doing all these things maybe you should declutter your goals and try to accomplish less at a time.

Whatever it is that you need to do: you can do it. It is not for someone else out there it is for you and within your reach.


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