Change of Perspective on Breastfeeding

When I became a mother, I knew I wanted to breastfeed. But, I would dread how long it took. I would sit and nurse my baby feeling trapped and thinking about all the things I should be doing or all the things I would rather be doing.

One weekend, I was at a birthday party. We were sitting around talking and, as usual, my baby got hungry and began to whine. Feeling a little embarrassed for interrupting the conversation, I grabbed my nursing cover, got comfortable, and began to nurse my baby.

"Aww," she said with a longing look. "My kid are all older, and that is what I miss the most?"

"This?" I asked in disbelief. "The baby stage?"

"No," she replied. "Nursing."

I was shocked. I was doing it because it was the best for my baby. But I had never considered it something I would miss. But that comment changed my perspective and I was able to enjoy nursing from then on. The sweet baby. The cuddling. These sweet moments, were inconvenient, but precious and short lived. Having my friends perspective helped me to see that.


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