Being Honest About the Season I am In

I would love to read for hours a day. I would love to train for a marathon. I would love to spend tons of time in nature hiking. There are so many great things in the world for me to spend my time on. Wonderful things. Exciting things. And I have the confidence that I can do any thing but I can not do everything.

Sometimes our imaginations are more than our time and space can contain at a time. Right now, I spend a lot of my time changing diapers and potty training my son. I homeschool. I cook daily. I eat daily. I exercise most days. I would love to craft more. But I don't. I would love to train for a marathon. But I won't. I could spend my day traveling. But I don't want to. I could try to add a thing or two to my day but I have to learn to be realistic to just how far my time is able to stretch.

Decluttering and minimalism have been topics that have been discussed at length in recent years. I am finding that clutter often comes from the quality of being indecisive. Both clutter in our homes and clutter in our schedules. I have all these craft supplies. I love to craft but it is not something that is a priority to me. So, it never gets done. Whenever I see them, I feel a sense of guiltiness because I never got back around to the projects I had so much hope I would do.

Then there are my books. Before I had kids, I would devour books. After, I had kids I would devour books. But with homeschooling and being a mom and wife, my speed of "devouring" has significantly stopped. I love to buy more and more books but I had to stop myself. That simply not who I am in this season. And maybe I never will be that person again. Either way, if I have not read the last 10 books I bought, what business do I have buying 10 more? Or even one more? There are many books that I own that I have already read but I never get rid of them because I plan to read them again. At the rate I am going. I have books that I own I probably will never read. That realization makes me kind of sad. But it is also empowering to me because I can focus and prioritize to be the best at what I am choosing to spend my time on.

Maybe I won't be an awesome marathon runner but I can be an awesome mom - because that is not going on the chopping block. Maybe I won't choose to see the world, but I will choose to read to my sons' daily. And often to my daughters'. I will choose to spend less time on Netflix, Youtube, and Facebook, not because I don't love to spend time on them, but because I love doing other things more. Whatever my choices are, I want them to be intentional and on purpose.


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