Be Still . . .

Do you ever have one of those mornings where things are just going wrong. You may have planned it a certain way. You would wake up at a certain time and everything was going to go perfectly and you were going to be on point. But, instead, maybe, you woke up late. Then the baby woke up crying and, after you got him back to sleep, your other son woke up upset. And all these lofty goals of waking up, praying, and spending time on your blog have to take a back burner. (At this point you can probably tell I am talking about me and not you. Hee, hee.)

Well, things did go "wrong" this morning. But, I am not going to lose my peace and I pray that you don't either when things go wrong in your life. Where is my trust in? In perfection? What do I know of perfection anyways? Maybe perfection actually is being in the hands of a God you can trust and that loves you dearly. And knowing everything is going to be okay - not because "you got this" but because He's got you.

No, waking up late isn't a big deal. There are people dealing with sickness and betrayal and what is this in the grand scheme of things? But it is in the day to day that we practice trusting in God a being still. If I can't do it with the little things what are the chances I will do it when the big things hit?

I wrote something in my journal that I read from time to time. "Give to others. Believe the best. Forgive others. Overcome evil with good. It's not worth holding on to material things and pride over how people are treating you. What for? People WILL be mean and inconsiderate, things will seem to go wrong (seem), time passing, messes, accidents, anxiety in the air. Again, overcome evil with good. Forgive and let go. Go to God. God is able. (Look for the opportunity to shine in difficult times. In darkness is when light shines the most and stands in stark contrast.)"

What if we saw all the times that we are tempted to have worry, fear, anxiety as opportunities. Opportunities to pray. Opportunities to trust God. Opportunities to praise him for being with us and being willing to hear our prayers and love us. What if we took it as an opportunity to be still.

Psalm 46:10 NLT
“Be still, and know that I am God!
    I will be honored by every nation.
    I will be honored throughout the world.”


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