Bad Mood

I woke up in a bad mood,
Guess it’s another bad day.
The day has been decided,
And I just gave it away.

 This day was meant to be a gift,
 But I deemed it a curse.
 I gave into my feelings,
 And that made matters worse.

But what’s the alternative?
Do I have a vote or voice?
When I am in a bad mood,
Do I really have a choice?

And where am I to look to?
Should I listen to my heart?
Is trusting my emotions
Doing something that is smart?

If I believe my feelings,
And let them be what’s ruling,
And count all of my thoughts as right,
It’s only me I’m fooling.

Each man’s ways seem right to him,
There’s no error in his ways.
I need to stop and question
How I want to live my days.

Do I want to be grumpy?
Or, always be unstable?
 Is a dark, tense attitude 
What I bring to the table?

Or do I bring anxiety? 
Or a strong sense of worry? 
And do others benefit,
From my near constant hurry? 

I can hold to excuses
And my old inclination.
I can follow every whim
Like it’s an obligation.
But I would rather believe
I am a new creation.

I know it won’t be easy,
And I can not be perfect.
But I am not willing to stay
I know the path is worth it.

I also know I have my help
To him, I lift my prayers
I will seek him for his wisdom
That can steer me from my errors.

I will stop, sort through my thoughts,
And see if somethings twisted.
I will dwell on my blessings
And see that they are listed.

I will go and get some air
Maybe exercise and play
Be relentless to see that
I add laughter to my day.

I will make sure to take care 
Of my water and my food 
That I move and rest enough
So that I can be renewed.

Bad moods can be powerful
But I know it can subside
So that instead I can live
From the love that dwells inside.


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