Glory Beyond Compare

Overcome evil with good
And then turn the other cheek
It sounds like utter foolishness
But it's power for the meek

Has fighting brought inner peace?
Or, has anger cleared the air?
Can we just learn to bite our tongues,
And trust him to be there?

And it's never been our job
To obsess over our share 
(We can serve God or mammon 
There's no compromising there)

And maybe it's expected
That this life would be unfair
But that's no indication
That our Father doesn't care
It wasn't fair for Jesus
He had a cross to bear

We will go through hardship too
Let’s have boldness in our prayer 
Our confidence is in him
We should let it remain there 

He's the only solid ground
Of all counterfeits beware
Remember that the sufferings
Of this present world we share
Will be followed by a glory
That will be without compare.


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