
Back in 1494
A man both wise and faithful
Made the word accessible
And for this I am grateful
He was a part of the church 
but didn't like what he saw
In translating the bible
He was breaking the law
But despite the law he felt 
it was something worth providing
Nine years he took the project on
and spent his life in hiding
The people needed of the gospel
and he did the best he could 
To make sure the word of God
was in words they understood

Tyndale was not a man trying 
to manipulate the masses
He was a fan of educating 
and empowering all classes
The rich and the poor
Are all people Jesus 
came and shed blood for
And I struggle all the time with it
So, trust, I mean no disrespect
But maybe there is something about the gospel
that you maybe just don't get
Yes, the word can be confusing
It is spiritually discerned
But its important that we know 
our salvation can't be earned
Our pride will keep us reaching
to boast that we are able
But his standards and his grace 
knock all boasting off the table
Iron chain and rope around his neck
and gunpowder at his feet
To live a life of no regret
made his death of no defeat

And many risked their safety  
And  their own survival 
For a chance to hear 
or read the words of our now too common bible
they knew they needed of the word
to read or hear it spoken
And those that gave their dying breaths
Would their hearts now be broken
To see as we walk right on by
and leave God's word unopened

Can we believe there’s truth and benefit
To the word and take the offer
Of growing in his relationship and not become a scoffer
If not made for him and by him
For his purposes from birth
To live for all vain glory 
That is Offered here on earth 
I cannot find fulfillment in it
It is empty, without worth
He breathes value into my life
In him my lost is found
The sand was no foundation
He gives me solid ground


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