Are you tired?

"So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will haverst a good crop if we don't give up, or quit. . ." Galatians 6:9 MSG

Are you tired? Fatigued? Maybe frustrated? I think that is the number one thing I identify with. When people ask me how I am doing, I say "I am tired." 

Sometimes I wonder, what is the point of all my work? Trying? Seeking to be the best me?

I remember a couple years ago, I watched a busy father putting some finishing details into a project due the next day. His daughter wasn't aware or concerned with his business and the work he had to accomplish. In vain, she tried again and again to get his attention as he co-labored on the project with a friend. Truthfully, it was a scenario I had seen many times with my friends and their kids throughout the years. But the difference was how he responded. 

"Daddy!" She finally yelled out in frustration. "I am trying to talk to you."

"I am sorry, Honey. What do you need?" he humbly responded.

I was surprised. At the point where I had seen many friends lose it (with no judgment from me. I can understand the frustration - especially when already under stress!) he remained calm and loving. It really ministered to me that, with God's help, I could be this way as well. I love reading about wonderful people. But, when you meet people in real life that are worth emulating, I think that is a beautiful thing. 

God is calling us to do and be someone and sometimes it will seem like it is in vain. Galatians 6:9 KJV says "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." The admonition is there in the word because it is a reality that we will grow weary and be tempted to faint or quit. We need to hold on to the truth that, as we follow God, our work is so worth it.

Whether you realize it or not you have an influence and you are impacting other's lives. If you are living for God you will make a difference. Make no mistake. And now and then I think God sends people to motivate us. But, I doubt those people are the ones we truly are impacting but, rather, those are the people with a ministry of encouragement - which, if you have that ministry, God bless you because it is much needed! But, even if your bosses or families do not appreciate you remember God appreciates you because your service is of the Lord. See my previous post on Matthew 25:40 for more on that

My point: keep on being awesome and amazing followers of Christ, even when the fruit is not obvious, because he will not lead you in vain. 


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