Teach Our Youth That Babies Are Valuable

A while back I was sitting in a waiting room and I read a book that impacted me more than I realized it would. In it, the woman said that her teenage daughter wanted to have a talk with her. She worried about what the news was going to be and the thought came that her daughter might be pregnant. The thought surprised her but it didn't stop there. The question came to her heart, what if this baby from the time he or she was first thought of was celebrated? This is likely not the usual reaction when a woman finds out her teen is pregnant but she decided to do it. It turned out that it was God warning her in her heart - and she did announce that she was pregnant. This woman obeyed the voice of God and celebrated her grandchild and, according to the testimony, continues to do so.

I believe this is the heart of God regarding babies. Whether planned or not. They need to be celebrated. They are valuable and precious. I believe that if we saw babies and kids the way God sees them, many of these babies lives would be spared from abortion and their lives would be saved without having to change any laws. Our children need to know that if they have an "oops" it is not the end of the world and we will support them. Lest, they opt to go the abortion route.

We need to make sure that we tell our kids to be prayerful about who they date and eventually marry.Warn them that choosing a mate simply because they are "so cute" is not the best strategy. Warn them that sex, even with birth control, can result in a pregnancy. Do they see their partner as good parent material?

We need to teach our children that babies are precious. Yes, teach them to be prayerful about who they date and who they marry. Teach them that babies take so much work and dedication. But also teach them that babies are a miracle. They are fun. I know when my first child came into my life - my life gained so much passion and meaning - that my life before that paled in purpose in comparison. Tell them - how precious they are and all babies surely will be. That first time they smile at you nothing else in life matters. 

If you do not or cannot have a baby or kids, I am not trying to say that you have any less purpose or meaning. I just feel that there is some serious misinformation in the body of Christ that does not align with the heart of God. I have had married friends tell me that when they announced their pregnancy their families were upset. I was brought up around the mindset that children are burdens. Children are not burdens. Children are blessings. And if he brings them into our lives we need to pray to him for the energy and resources to take good care of them and raise them. Where is our faith? He will provide. He is Jehovah Jireh.

I am done with this whole thought process that "children are burdens." I know the work is hard but do your best and trust God to be your rewarder (Hebrews 11:6). As for me, please don't commiserate with me because my hands are full with lots of little ones. I know you mean well, but I will not see myself as burdened or a martyr. I am blessed. Every one of these babies, whether big or small, biological or adopted; they are miracles and precious gifts from God to the world. And they need to know that truth.


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