Sugar Free Challenge Days 15 - 17

Wednesday/ Day 16
Yesterday, was Day 15 and I did not think much about sugar. Not much to say.

Thursday/ Day 17
Wednesday was a pretty busy day for me. The to-do list was daunting. We had school, taking care of the baby, taking care of grandma, making dinner, getting to karate, and we needed to clean up the house because we were going to have guests over today. That and I was running on little sleep. 

As far as sugar, cravings were back. I was making Johnny's breakfast oatmeal and he likes to have a few chocolate chips on top. When I opened up the jar we keep them in - wow. It just smelled amazing. Like coffee in the morning. But, I don't really like coffee because it makes me feel sick. So, like coffee, it was a situation where I can enjoy the smell without having any. I mean, I didn't just sit there and smell it or anything. That would have been too much. But it was okay. I got through it.

Today, day 17, we had some friends over and a joint celebration of Gregory's 2nd birthday and our dear friend Sharon's 10th birthday. Lots of fun. Lots of temptation. There was ice cream and cupcakes but the most difficult - Oreos.


 I didn't even want to hear the word.

"Don't ask me if you can have any." I told my daughter. 

Because just. hearing. the. word. 

Too much. 

This is a picture of some of the temptation. Apparently, there was no more ice cream.

After this challenge Oreos WILL be back in my life. I am thinking I will start doing what I heard Joyce Meyer said she does. Just have one dessert per week. Plan for it and make it special.


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