Sugar free challenge day 2 and 3

Day 2 of the challenge was easier than Day 1. Partly because the chocolate cake from the day before was gone and partly because I woke up late. 

Waking up late might not seem related but it helped for two reasons.
  1. I was well-rested so I wasn't seeking the sugar for that quick energy boost.
  2. When 3 pm came around, the time I usually craved sweets, I was still full from a late lunch and I was not tempted.

And thus came and went day 2.

Today was day 3. I woke up early today. I don't regret waking up early because I love my quiet time in the early morning by myself but I do get tired and more cravings.

 At one point, I found apple pie hidden in the oven. But I confidently told the pie "I don't even like you." I felt like I had it in the bag. 
But, apparently, sweets are hidden all over, because as I was getting things together for lunch out of the pantry I found some hidden chocolate. Immediately I know the little ones are watching, so I could . . .
A. Hide in the back room and sneak sweets like I have in the past" (not because I was quitting sweets but because I didn’t want to share). 
Or B. Keep on going and stick this thing through. Wait what was option A again?

So here I am going with "B." 

I do need to make sure someone eats or hides that chocolate though because the longer it sits there the longer it calls out to me.

By the time we were cleaning up from dinner I was feeling tired and done. My daughter asked if she could have some hot chocolate. And, as Kayla put it, I was triggered. I told her to get out of my face with that.

And with that comes the realization. My problem is not sweets. My problem is chocolate.

Truth be told, in anticipation for this challenge. I binged on chocolate on New Year's Eve. I got more and more until I felt sick. Yet, I never feel betrayed or mad at chocolate. I think it's because, as Kayla said, chocolate gives you a feeling that mimics the feelings of love. And I will not fact check this because I know in my heart that it's true. I have felt the love.


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