Sugar Free Challenge Day 1

As I was planning and thinking about this challenge yesterday, I was honestly not planning on writing anything today. I mean it was just one day without sugar. How hard could this be? Oh sweet, ignorant Joanne from 2018. I will tell you how hard - chocolate cake. 

My mother came over to the house today so we could have some chili and she brought some things to share with the family like apple pie and that chocolate tuxedo cake from Costco.

Luckily, when she arrived I was able to get up and walk away because I had just ate and I needed to go put the baby down for a nap. I didn't think much about it until the bewitching hour came - 3 p.m. Specifically, 3:25 p.m. 

This is the time I usually would indulge in something sweet and preferably chocolatey. But here I was and my foot was down - I was not eating sugar.

So, what DID I do? 

First, I cried out to the kids and threatened to cry viciously and then I proceeded to eat a whole baked potato plain. 

Why I ate it plain, I am not sure. It wasn't particularly good. But, according to an article I found  potatoes do spike our blood sugar - maybe it was the blood sugar spike I was after. In any case, as I ate the pointless unpalatable potato, I had a flood of thoughts and emotions.

Anger - why did I start this stupid challenge in the first place? Whose idea was this? Who can I blame?

Regret - why did I do this? What joy is there in life without sugar? Really!?! 
(I know - plenty - but my mind was not at its most rational at the moment.)

Reluctant acceptance - I finished my potato and warmed up my chili for dinner and ate it with very little joy.

After my dinner, I offered to make nice cream (soy milk, frozen banana, plus other added fruit) as a sort of consolation prize but my daughter Aubrey informed me that our soy milk was sweetened and, thus, would have added sugar. I gave her a look that said "monster!" But, undeterred, I decided to make my own chocolate treat. I took a banana added almond butter and dusted it with unsweetened chocolate powder. And I lived to see another sugar free day (Unexpected tear).

Lessons learned- get some unsweetened soy milk.

Get to making some sugar free desserts because the sugar cravings will come.


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