Planning my Day (part 1 of 2)

I love to do lists. I love the feeling of accomplishment when I cross things off of my list. Even better than that is accomplishing a goal. Right now I am working on memorizing Psalm 37. I am about half way there at this point. I also try to work on my habits and routines and generally try to improve myself on a daily basis so that I can be the best me that I can be. I love all this and I love the journey of becoming a better me and reaching heights I never thought I could.

When I go through my days without a plan and direction I find that I will just kick back on YouTube or Facebook and before I know it a couple of hours have passed by and I have little to nothing accomplished that day. Then, I will usually find myself in a rush to make dinner and it is easy for me to become stressed out trying to get my basic responsibilities done with the short amount of time I have left after goofing off. 

On the flipside, I have to admit, when I do plan my days I find myself trying to stuff in way too much in a day. Trying to accomplish it all is like working for a tyrannical and ungrateful boss that points out all that I have not done in the day rather than rewarding me for all the hard work produced. Unfortunately, that boss is me. And doing this to myself causes stress and anxiety as well.

As an aside, stress and anxiety seem to be common this day and age. Here I am finding it to be my reaction to both overplanning and underplanning my day. I wonder if it has always been a problem.  I have been in prayer ministry for several years and I do find that it is one of the most common thing I have prayed with others about.

I don't believe that the anxiety and stress is God's will for us and our lives. I believe we are supposed to be a source of peace and joy to others that are around us because Christ is in us and he is our rock. Being chronically stressed and hurried can really negate the peace we should have. Overstuffed calendars and to do lists can be a big part of this problem. Unfortunately, we as people have a real tendency to do this. To over estimate what we are able to do in a day. Or, mess around and allow ourselves too little time to get several things done. In essence, procrastination.


Lord, I pray that you give us your wisdom regarding planning our day. I pray that we will not overwork ourselves or overplan our lives and become stressed. Also, that we won't do the opposite and expect too little of ourselves and our lives. Be our rock Lord. Help us to find moderation in these things and all things in life. I pray for your guiding hand as we plan and go through our day and your peace that passes understanding. In the name of Jesus. Amen. 


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