
Today I have the opportunity to smile and be thankful.
I have the opportunity to pray and worship.
I have the opportunity to breathe and live.
I have the opportunity to sing and dance.
Today, I have the opportunity to laugh with my children.
Today, I have the opportunity to model patience and forgiveness.
Today I have the opportunity to realize I am blessed and be thankful.
Today can be horrible, I can choose to be grumpy and complain. I can approach today as a meal that is hastily thrown together with all the inferior ingredients: fear, knee-jerk reactions, and stress. Or thoughtfully planned and made with ingredients like love, joy and laughter, patience and forgiveness.
I will not try to cram too much to do in my day. I will be content with how many hours I have. I will choose to do less with peace rather than more with stress. After all, life is about love, not accomplishments and productivity. I will remind myself this daily and hourly if need be. 
I will purposefully appreciate these moments with my loved ones knowing that they are fleeting and precious. All the while I will feel blessed for these opportunities.


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