Complaint Free World Day 16

Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

I have found so much comfort in the past from these verses. And I am sure I will find it many more times.

As it relates to trying to quit complaining, can I trust God that his ways are better than mine? Can I trust him that if I don't complain to my husband and choose to be gentle and kind, or even hold my tongue all together, can I trust him that things are truly better off? Can I trust them that he is taking care of things? Can I trust him to take care of me? Can I quit trying to resolve things in my own anger or anxiety and trust that living in his peace is much more effective?. . . Can I trust him that his ways are better than mine?

Sure there is bad habit involved, but at the very core of things, I need to trust God to change. I need to trust God to help me change.

How did I do Day 15 of the complaint free world challenge?

We are getting some work done at the house and I was asking one of the workers about an apparent blemish on some wood. His partner gave me a condescending "Don't worry about that sweetie, he will take care of it." (Men, please don't sweetie a grown woman - especially with a tone.)

"The blemish will be stained out," the original worker answered.

Thats all I needed to know. He didn't have to talk down to me. I ignored him but later found myself complaining about him later to my husband. Whoops.


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