Complaint Free World Day 15

Romans 12:18 NLT
Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.

That is good advice. I wish I would follow it 😉

Our words are such an important part of living in peace with others. If we just stop and think before we talk . . . if we just value peace above being right . . . if we only cared more about our loved ones feelings above our own desire to vent.

I am so grateful to have a husband and family that love me even with all my faults and mistakes.

Lord, please help us be better at living in peace with others. I pray that we would use our words to build people up and not bring them down.

How was Day 14 of Complaint Free Challenge? I complained. Something about my husband not being able to listen. Lol. It's funny because it used to be when I complained to my husband I would get upset. But, since I've been doing the complaint free challenge, I complain, change my bracelet, and we have a laugh about it. That is a major plus to this challenge. Less arguing with my husband is awesome! It just shows whose fault all the arguing was . . .  oh well, hope he doesn't read that ;)


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