Complaint Free World: Day 8

Proverbs 4:23-24
Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee.

"All diligence" How many things in our lives can we do with "all diligence"? Well, considering our limited energy and focus - not much. Yet, we are called to keep our heart with all diligence. The bible is not leading us astray. This is important.

I looked up diligence in the Webster's Dictionary 1828. The first definition says "Steady application in business of any kind; constant effort to accomplish what is undertaken; exertion of body or mind without unnecessary delay or sloth; due attention; industry; assiduity."

Guarding our hearts is something we should not be lazy about but rather we need to give it "all diligence." In the 24th verse of proverbs it goes back to our words. Back to the example from James chapter 3, our words can be used like rudder to steer the ship. We can get back on course or reinforce the wrong course.

So, if you are feeing depressed, for example, you can start singing a happy worship song. You will do it through gritted teeth at first and it won't be fun. But, before long, those words will sink into your heart and your whole mood will be changed. (I think of Psalm 34 when it says "I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.") It will change your mood, and in turn your day, and ultimately your life, if you don't allow your emotions to tell you what you are doing, but, instead, you decide where you are going.

I remember when my daughter Laura was about 2. She would get upset over something, maybe she was fighting with her sister over a toy or she just got in trouble and she was crying. More than once she came to me and said "Mom, I want to be happy." Then, I would say "Okay, Laura, be happy." And she would. Just a couple minutes later, you could tell. She would decide to be happy and she would be happy. Her circumstances were not perfect but she was wise enough to realize she did not have to wait to be happy. I thought that was amazing.

How I did Day 6:
Back to Day 1. I complained. It was time to get ready for bed and I  was complaining at how long it took for me to get myself, my 3 year old, and my 4 month old ready for bed by myself, while my husband sat there and played the guitar. I am going to stop there unless this itself becomes a complaint as well.

Once, I started complaining, I realized I had complained and was going to day 1 anyway so I switched my bracelet and kept on going. Ha, ha. Not a good idea. But, I found I had less to say than I usually would have. I even did it while laughing.

I believe God is changing me because I have prayed that he will help me to complete this challenge. And not only this challenge but that my whole way of thinking will change.

Thank you Jesus, because although I started over yesterday, I feel in my heart that this goal is so attainable and within my reach with your help.


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