Complaint Free World: Day 2

James 3:3-5 MSG
A bit in the mouth of a horse control the whole horse. A small rudder on a huge ship in the hands of a skilled captain sets a course in the face of the strongest winds. A word out of your mouth may seem of no account, but it can accomplish nearly anything - or destroy it!

Our words are super important! Words are compared to the rudder which is used to steer a ship. Likewise, the bit is used to help control the horse. Horses are big powerful animals, yet humans are able to control them. If our words are negative, our emotions will be negative and we will generally be more negative people. So much has been written on the power of speaking and thinking positively. But just deciding we want to do it is not enough. It definitely takes effort and determination.

How I did Day 1:
I did some complaining, but this is just the beginning. So when I complain, I am supposed to switch my bracelet from one side to the other. I am working on that because the actual "complaint free world" bracelets are to big for me so I need to find a suitable bracelet. Here were my complaints.

1. When my kids complained about having to do their piano lesson. I complained about there complaining. Lesson learned: be careful because other peoples complaining begets more complaining.

2. I spoke to a family member on the phone and found myself complaining. Lesson learned: Maybe be careful while on the phone?

3. The baby threw up on me and himself after I just changed his clothes. Maybe understandable, but I am trying to get to zero complaints.


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