Complaint Free World Day 12

Philippians 2:13 NLT
For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.

I really should focus on this verse during my complaint free challenge. I believe it is God which has given me the desire to be a more positive person; so, he is the one that needs to provide me the power to complete the challenge.

So often, I think we can get bogged down by guilt and feelings of failure. These things can become barriers that keep us from going to God. But, really, when we are having difficulties we NEED to go to him because he is the one that is going to be giving us the power to be able to get through things. Instead of tucking our tail and hiding, we need to come boldly to his throne of grace to find help in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).

A long time ago, we had a speaker at the church. She said something that I will never forget. She said that it is at those times that we feel like running from God that we need to run to him most. I pray that we all have the boldness to do just that!

How I did Day 11 of the Complaint Free World Challenge:
I complained. I found myself looking at some news and I asked my husband out loud "What is wrong with our generation?" Right after I said it I realized I had complained and I switched an imaginary bracelet because mine was not available (because the baby had overly drooled on it - which I managed not to complain about!)

And since I am writing this blog late today, I can already say I have blown it for today as well. I already complained that we are ending our school year with a whimper because all the kids are sick.


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