Complaint Free World: Day 1

The Complaint Free World is a book by Will Bowen. The book speaks on the negatives of complaining and challenges us to stop. In the book, we are urged to wear a bracelet, purple "complaint free world" bracelets are available at, and every time we complain we switch the bracelet from one wrist to the other. The goal is to go 21 consecutive days without complaining.
The book says that "the average person takes 4 to 8 months to successfully make 21 days."

Honestly, I bought this book several years ago, and I gave up. I had never realized how much I complained until I tried to stop! In retrospect, I don't think I stayed with it anywhere near 4 to 8 months. But, the book remained on my bookshelf and one of my daughters picked it up and started reading it. Before I knew it, my three daughters were doing the challenge. My second daughter particularly, could not get past day 1. She started singing "Day 1 for the rest of my life" every time she would complain because it was back to day 1 for her.

Proverbs 18:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

I have been thinking about this verse and I decided that it is worthwhile to take up this challenge again. I decided that if I journal the process it may help me get to the 21 consecutive days.

I welcome and even urge anyone that is willing to join me in the challenge. I am praying for God to help me because I will definitely need him to go 21 consecutive days without complaining.


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